Naib tehsildar (BS-14) 2009 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(21) . Where is the greatest and the biggest wall situated.?

  1. China

  2. USA

  3. Germany

  4. Russia

(22) . Where is the leaning tower of Pisa.?

  1. Poland

  2. Spain

  3. ltaly

  4. France

(23) . Who wrote the famous novel "War and Peace'.?

  1. Leo Tolstoy

  2. Maxim Gorky

  3. Charles Dickens

  4. Bernard Shaw

(24) . How many are the states of the USA.?

  1. 50

  2. 40

  3. 45

  4. 42

(25) . Which are the two Seas that Suez Canal Connects.?

  1. Mediterranean and Red Sea

  2. Red Sea and Caspian Sea

  3. Caspian Sea and Arabian Sea

  4. Arabian Sea and Mediterranean

(26) . How many are the countries in the European Union.?

  1. 28

  2. 29

  3. 30

  4. 33

(27) . When was World Trade Organization formed.?

  1. 1990

  2. 1995

  3. 1997

  4. 2008

(28) . Who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.?

  1. David Miliband

  2. Tony Blair

  3. Gordon Brown

  4. Boris Johanson

(29) . Which state of USA Donald Trump comes from?

  1. Virginia

  2. California

  3. New York

  4. Florida

(30) . Where is the headquarter of the International Court of Justice.?

  1. Hague

  2. Geneva

  3. Berlin

  4. Rome