Naib tehsildar (BS-14) 2009 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(41) . Who discovered Penicillin.?

  1. Alexander Flaming

  2. Louis Pasteur

  3. Nell Boher

  4. None of these

(42) . Who wrote 'A Brief History of Time'.?

  1. Albert Einstein

  2. Stephen Fleming

  3. Stephen Hawking

  4. Max Plank

(43) . What is the rotation period of the Earth.?

  1. 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds

  2. 23 hours, 52 minutes and 4 seconds

  3. 23 hours, 58 minutes and 4 seconds

  4. 23 hours, 50 minutes and 4 seconds

(44) . Stainless steel is an alloy of.?

  1. Copper with zinc

  2. Red bras and yellow brass

  3. Zinc and nickel

  4. Chromium and nickel

(45) . Which two gases do you exhale more than you inhale.?

  1. Carbon and Nitrogen

  2. Carbon and Oxygen

  3. Hydrogen

  4. Chlorine

(46) . Who gave the theory of, Relativity.?

  1. Stephen Hawking

  2. Ma Weber

  3. Albert Einstein

  4. Marry Einstein

(47) . How many colours a Spectrum has.?

  1. 5

  2. 7

  3. 8

  4. 9

(48) . ln which year Dr. Abdul Salam was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics.?

  1. 1973

  2. 1975

  3. 1979

  4. 1983

(49) . CPU stands for.?

  1. Central Processing Unit

  2. Central Programming Unit

  3. Control Processing Unit

  4. Control Programming Unit

(50) . What is Black Hole.?

  1. Hypothetical region of the space

  2. Hole in California

  3. Sink hole in the Lake

  4. Region between mantle and Crest of the Earth