Naib tehsildar (BS-14) 2009 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(81) . What is the limitation for suit by a landlord for arrears of rent under the Punjab Tenancy Act?

  1. Six year from the day rent becomes due

  2. Four years from the day rent becomes due

  3. Two years from the day rent becomes due

  4. One year from the day rent becomes due

(82) . Before who appeals lies against order of an Assistant Collector of the second grade under the Punjab Tenancy Act?

  1. Assistant Collector the first grade

  2. Collector

  3. Executive District Officer (Revenue)

  4. Board of Revenue

(83) . A Revenue Officer is required to make an order under sub-section (6) of section 42 of the land revenue act.?

  1. Within three months

  2. Within six months

  3. Within one year

  4. Within two years

(84) . An arrears of land revenue may be recovered by

  1. By sale of the holding u/s 88 of the land revenue

  2. By arresting the father of the defaulter

  3. By attaching the household apparels of the default

  4. By arresting the wife of the defaulter

(85) . An application for the partition of Joint holding can be filed

  1. By a co-sharer

  2. By the tenant

  3. By the mortgage

  4. By the lessee of the landholding

(86) . A tenant ant who has made improvement in his tenancy with the content of the landlord is entitled to compensation at the lime of his ejectment for.?

  1. installing in tube-wall in the land

  2. For the cleaning of the land of the bushes etc. Standing on the land

  3. For preparing the land for cultivation

  4. For cleaning the water course in land

(87) . An appeal under section 81 of the tenancy act to the collector can be filed

  1. Within 30 days of the order appealed against

  2. Within 80 days of the order appealed against

  3. Within 45 days of the order appealed against

  4. Within 90 days of the order appealed against

(88) . An application under section 17 of the tenancy act, for the division or appraisement of produce, is exclusively cognizable by

  1. Revenue Officer having jurisdiction in the matter

  2. By a Civil Court

  3. By a Criminal Court

  4. By a Conciliation Court

(89) . آبرو غزل کس شاعرکو کہاجاتا ہے؟

  1. غالب

  2. ذوق

  3. حسرت موہانی

  4. میر تقی میر

(90) . ’’ راجہ گدھ “ کا مصنف کون ہے؟

  1. اشفاق احمد

  2. بانو قدسیہ

  3. خدیجہ مستور

  4. فاطمہ ثریا