Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

(71) . The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?

  1. Mercury

  2. Venus

  3. Mars

  4. None of these

(72) . The Great Spot is on the planet?

  1. Saturn

  2. Jupiter

  3. Mars

  4. None of these

(73) . The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a?

  1. Mountain

  2. Storm

  3. Frozen Carbon dioxide

  4. None of these

(74) . The bodyguard of the Earth is ..... save the Earth from many Comets Asteroids?

  1. Jupiter

  2. Saturn

  3. Uranus

  4. None of these

(75) . 1 light year = ?

  1. 9.5 x 10 km

  2. 9.5 x 109 km

  3. 9.5 x 1012 km

  4. None of these

(76) . The number of planets visible to us without using a telescope is?

  1. 5

  2. 4

  3. 3

  4. None of these

(77) . According to the Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about billion years ago?

  1. 10-20

  2. 20-30

  3. 30-40

  4. None of these

(78) . Biosensor is used to measure?

  1. Blood glucose level

  2. The body pH value

  3. Amount of hemoglobin

  4. None of these

(79) . Einstein's famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?

  1. E=mc 2

  2. E = mc3

  3. M = ec2

  4. None of these

(80) . The SI unit of electric current is?

  1. Coloumb

  2. Ampere

  3. Volt

  4. None of these