Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

(41) . World Environment Day is observed on?

  1. 5th June

  2. 10th June

  3. 21st June

  4. None of these

(42) . 13th East Asia summit was held in 2018 at?

  1. Singapore

  2. Laos

  3. Brunei

  4. None of these

(43) . Where is International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters located?

  1. Geneva, Switzerland

  2. New York, USA

  3. London, UK

  4. None of these

(44) . What is the name of Japanese currency?

  1. Yuan

  2. Euro

  3. Yen

  4. None of these

(45) . Olympics 2020 will be held in which city?

  1. Beijing

  2. Tokyo

  3. New Delhi

  4. None of these

(46) . Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations?

  1. Antonio Guterres

  2. Ban ki Moon

  3. Kofi Annan

  4. None of these

(47) . On which date Pakistan launched remote sensing satellite-1 (PRSS-1) in China?

  1. 12th July 2018

  2. 9th July 2018

  3. 1st July 2018

  4. None of these

(48) . BRICS countries compose?

  1. Brazil, Russia, China. Indonesia. South Korea

  2. Bangladesh, Russia, China, India, South Africa

  3. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

  4. None of these

(49) . Which American President has declared Jerusalem as capital of Israel?

  1. Barack Obama

  2. George Bush

  3. Donald Trump

  4. None of these

(50) . Which of the following country is not member of SAARC?

  1. Maldives

  2. Myanmar

  3. Bhutan

  4. None of these