Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

(81) . The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?

  1. Oxygen

  2. Carbon

  3. Nitrogen

  4. None of these

(82) . What is Dry Ice?

  1. Solid Oxygen

  2. Solid Carbon Dioxide

  3. Solid Hydrogen

  4. None of these

(83) . What are the primary colours?

  1. White, Black, Blue

  2. Red, Yellow, Blue

  3. Red, Green, Blue

  4. None of these

(84) . Digestion of food is complete in the?

  1. Small intestine

  2. Large intestine

  3. Stomach

  4. None of these

(85) . FIA Act means?

  1. Federal Inquiry Agency Act

  2. Federal Investigation Agency Act

  3. Federal Inquisitive Agency Act

  4. None of these

(86) . Who can be deemed to be a public prosecutor?

  1. Assistant Director Legal

  2. Deputy Director Law

  3. Both A & B

  4. None of these

(87) . The Federal Government may amend the schedule of FIA Act?

  1. Without notification in the Official Gazette

  2. By notification in the Official Gazette

  3. By verbal direction

  4. None of these

(88) . Indemnity provision of FIA Act is given in section?

  1. 8

  2. 8-A

  3. 8-B

  4. None of these

(89) . Superintendence of Agency has been given in Section?

  1. 5

  2. 4

  3. 3

  4. None of these

(90) . Administration of Agency is provided under section?

  1. 4

  2. 8

  3. 10

  4. None of these