Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

(31) . The infinite sum 2 + 2/5 +2/25+2/125 …. to ∞ is?

  1. 5/3

  2. 5/2

  3. 5/4

  4. None of these

(32) . A man has 6 coats, 3 shirts and 5 trousers. In how many ways can he dress himself with coat, shirt and trouser?

  1. 90

  2. 80

  3. 70

  4. None of these

(33) . How many diagonals can be drawn in a figure of 5 sides?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. None of these

(34) . A ball is selected at random from a box. if the box has 9 white, 8 Green and 3 Orange balls. the probability, that the ball is not Orange is?

  1. 12/20

  2. 17/20

  3. 11/20

  4. None of these

(35) . A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 70 White and 30 Red balls. The probability that the ball is either White or Red is?

  1. 1/2

  2. 0

  3. 1

  4. None of these

(36) . In a triangle with sides a=60, b=40 c=38, the largest angle of measure is the angle opposite to the side?

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. None of these

(37) . When was Indus Water Treaty signed between India and Pakistan?

  1. 1948

  2. 1960

  3. 1970

  4. None of these

(38) . Who is current Chinese Prime Minister?

  1. Wen Jia Bao

  2. Li Keqiang

  3. Li Peng

  4. None of these

(39) . Donald Trump is the ..... president of America?

  1. 43rd

  2. 44th

  3. 45th

  4. None of these

(40) . When did Ashraf Ghani become President of Afghanistan?

  1. September 2014

  2. October 2014

  3. December 2014

  4. None of these