Assistant (BS-16) Service and General Administration S&GAD 2020

(31) . The play "Arms and the Man" is written by?

  1. Shakespeare

  2. Henrik Ibsen

  3. George Bernard Shaw

  4. None of these

(32) . Super Conductor was invented by?

  1. Heike Kimberling

  2. Walter Meissner

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

(33) . In MS word short Key for font size?

  1. Ctrl + Shift + B

  2. Ctrl +Shift + F

  3. Ctrl + shift + E

  4. None of these

(34) . His health has run .....?

  1. Out

  2. Off

  3. Down

  4. Riot

(35) . Pakistan declared Islam as state religion?

  1. 1956

  2. 1962

  3. 1973

  4. None of these

(36) . Which one is the most abundant in Atmosphere?

  1. Oxygen

  2. Nitrogen

  3. Hydrogen

  4. None of these

(37) . Where can you change the vertical alignment in Microsoft Word?

  1. Paragraph dialog box

  2. Formatting toolbar

  3. Page Setup dialog box

  4. Standard toolbar

(38) . I always have lunch ..... my office?

  1. In

  2. At

  3. Of

  4. Near

(39) . Where glaciers are not formed?

  1. Top of mountains

  2. Arctic region

  3. Rain forest region

  4. None of these

(40) . The Parthenon is in?

  1. Athens

  2. Rome

  3. Istanbul

  4. Babylon