Assistant (BS-16) Service and General Administration S&GAD 2020

(21) . Niagara Falls fall is situated in the continent?

  1. North America

  2. South America

  3. Africa

  4. Asia

(22) . Asian Development Bank established in 1996 for Economic development of?

  1. Europe

  2. Asia

  3. America

  4. All of these

(23) . Which among the following is the capital of Australia?

  1. Sidney

  2. Melbourne

  3. Perth

  4. Canberra

(24) . 16 November on each year is celebrated as?

  1. Tolerance day

  2. Women’s day

  3. Disable day

  4. None of these

(25) . Combination of digital and analog computer is?

  1. Main frame computer

  2. Mini computer

  3. Hybrid computer

  4. None of these

(26) . Which of the following used for Internet?

  1. Modem

  2. Network card

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

(27) . What is distance of Junagadh, the state announced annexation to Pakistan, from Karachi?

  1. 310 miles

  2. 350 miles

  3. 290 miles

  4. 366 miles

(28) . Italy has become the first developed Economy to sign One Belt One Road on 22 March?

  1. 2018

  2. 2019

  3. 2020

  4. None of these

(29) . To be senator in Pakistan minimum age is?

  1. 30 years

  2. 40 years

  3. 45 years

  4. None of these

(30) . Virally infected cells in response to the presence of virus produce protein cells?

  1. Interferon

  2. Byferon

  3. Protein

  4. None of these