Assistant (BS-16) Service and General Administration S&GAD 2020

(61) . Which river flows in UK?

  1. Tiber

  2. Thames

  3. Danube

  4. None of these

(62) . The famous Golden Gate Bridge is Situated at?

  1. New York

  2. New Jersey

  3. California

  4. San Francisco

(63) . Who was the first President of Anjuman Himayat e Islam Lahore?

  1. Haji Abid

  2. Qazi Abdul Gaffar

  3. Oazi Khalifa Hameed

  4. None of these

(64) . Masjid Wazir Khan is Located in?

  1. Multan

  2. Lahore

  3. Peshawar

  4. None of these

(65) . K in the word "PAKISTAN" is derived from?

  1. Kazakhstan

  2. Karachi

  3. Kashmir

  4. None of these

(66) . Moon, Sun and Stars are Known as?

  1. Terrestrial bodies

  2. Celestial bodies

  3. Water bodies

  4. None of these

(67) . In the Government of India Act 1935 the continent was divided into ?

  1. 10 provinces

  2. 11 provinces

  3. 9 provinces

  4. 12 provinces

(68) . A train, 800-meter long is running with a speed of 78 km/hr. It crosses a tunnel in 1 minute. What is the length of the tunnel ?

  1. 650 m

  2. 555 m

  3. 500 m

  4. 458 m

(69) . Hazrat Amir Khusrau first Urdu poet was birth?

  1. Iranian

  2. Afghani

  3. Indian

  4. Tajikistani

(70) . The freedom war 1857 was started from?

  1. Delhi

  2. Agra

  3. Meerut

  4. Madras