Assistant (BS-16) Service and General Administration S&GAD 2020

(81) . In Islam there is close relation between?

  1. Politics and Matter

  2. World and Politics

  3. Shariart and Mysticism

  4. Politics and Matters

(82) . Latif Khosa used to be the governor of?

  1. KPK

  2. Punjab

  3. Sindh

  4. GB

(83) . Akbar will look ..... my work in my? absence

  1. Into

  2. after

  3. for

  4. down upon

(84) . In 1992, Pakistan cricket team won the world cup. The captain was?

  1. Zaheer Abbas

  2. Mian Dad

  3. Mohsin Hassan khan

  4. Imran khan

(85) . Who was killed by Hazrat Hamza in the battle of Badr?

  1. Utbah bin rabiah

  2. Shaiba

  3. Abu jahal

  4. None of these

(86) . A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is?

  1. 5%

  2. 8%

  3. 10 %

  4. None of these

(87) . Which among the following is alternate source of energy?

  1. Hydel

  2. Nuclear

  3. Thermal

  4. Biogas

(88) . If a person left a $10.47 tip on a breakfast that cost $ 87.25 what percentage was the tip?

  1. 10 %

  2. 11 %

  3. 12 %

  4. 13 %

(89) . In following alphabet series , one term missing as shown by question mark . Choose missing term from options: A, B, D, G, ?

  1. M

  2. L

  3. K

  4. H

(90) . Which article of the constitution of Pakistan deals with national language?

  1. Article 251

  2. Article 261

  3. Article 271

  4. None of these