Assistant (BS-16) Service and General Administration S&GAD 2020

(51) . Simon Commission report was published in the year?

  1. 1929

  2. 1930

  3. 1931

  4. 1932

(52) . Science deals with low temperature is called?

  1. Cryogenics

  2. Biogenic

  3. Isotherms

  4. None of these

(53) . Alma Meter (وہ درسگاہ جس میں کسی نے تعلیم پائی ہو) means?

  1. One's college

  2. One's Hospital

  3. Army training camp

  4. None of above

(54) . In MS Excel you can zoom from?

  1. 10 to 300%

  2. 10 to 400%

  3. 20 to 500%

  4. None of these

(55) . Pakistan is Separated from Tajikistan by?

  1. Wakhan Corridor

  2. Kartarpur Corridor

  3. Durand Line

  4. None of these

(56) . The first Revelation to the Holy Prophet PBUH came in?

  1. Cave of Thor

  2. Cave of Hira

  3. Kabba

  4. Both A & C

(57) . Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became ..... of Pakistan after Yahya Khan?

  1. Prime Minster

  2. Martial Law Administrator

  3. President

  4. None of these

(58) . Asar-e-Sanadid is written by?

  1. Sir Syed Ahmed

  2. Mian Shafi

  3. Syed Amir Ali

  4. None of these

(59) . A non-Permanent member of UN Security Council has tenure of?

  1. 2 years

  2. 3 years

  3. 4 years

  4. None of these

(60) . Aung San Suu Kyi is the political leader of?

  1. China

  2. Myanmar

  3. Cambodia

  4. Vietnam