PPSC Manager Auqaf BS-16 2014 past papers

(81) . Exemplify

  1. reprehensible

  2. illustrate

  3. empty

  4. finish

(82) . Nonchalant:

  1. excited

  2. natural

  3. cool

  4. Indifferent

(83) . Outcast:

  1. member

  2. vagabond

  3. open

  4. error

(84) . Partisan:

  1. opponent

  2. disciple

  3. mite

  4. local

(85) . After America the largest numbers of Nobel Laureates are from:-

  1. United Kingdom

  2. Germany

  3. France

  4. Switzerland

(86) . The scout movement was started by Sir Robert Baden-Powell in

  1. 1910

  2. 1915

  3. 1920

  4. 1925

(87) . The Headquarters of Green Peace is located at: -

  1. Bonn

  2. London

  3. Amsterdam

  4. New York

(88) . The Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel invented a:-

  1. Penicillin

  2. Dynamite

  3. Fountain Pen

  4. None of the above

(89) . Leo Tolstoy was a:-

  1. Russian Writer

  2. French Scientist

  3. German Football Player

  4. British Musician

(90) . 22 April is observed every year Internationally as:-

  1. Environment Day

  2. Food Day

  3. Press Freedom Day

  4. Earth Day