PPSC Manager Auqaf BS-16 2014 past papers

(21) . Under which constitution, "Bicameralism' was introduced in Pakistan:

  1. 1956

  2. 1962

  3. 1973

  4. None of the above

(22) . . What do you understand by "Sir Creek"? It is-

  1. Indo-Pak boundary dispute in their maritime frontiers

  2. Head of the UNO observer group on the line of control in Kashmir

  3. Pro-Pakistan Senator in the American congress

  4. None of the above

(23) . Pandit Nehru, who had been assuring the Kashmiris to give them their rights of self- determination, went back on his promise when:-

  1. He realised the strategic significance of the valley for Indian defence system

  2. Realised about massive natural wealth of the area

  3. Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO pacts.

  4. Pathan tribesmen entered into the valley and attacked the Indian forces

(24) . Heavy Electrical Complex and Heavy Forge and Foundry, the two big engineering projects in Pakistan were established with the technical and capital assistance of

  1. Canada

  2. China

  3. UK

  4. USA

(25) . Pakistan's first nuclear Power Station was built at Karachi in 1972 provided by:

  1. USA

  2. France

  3. Canada

  4. China

(26) . UN was established in 1945 to:

  1. Arrange a forum for world public opinion

  2. Settle political disputes

  3. Provide leadership to the world

  4. Uphold the supremacy of the west

(27) . Yellow Journalism refers to:

  1. Portraying public opinion

  2. Objective in reporting

  3. Sensationalism

  4. Propaganda

(28) . Law is never law unless:-

  1. It is violated

  2. It is enforced by a Sovereign authority

  3. It is enforced by moral sanctions

  4. K is supported by the religion.

(29) . A computer derives its basic strength from:

  1. Speed

  2. Accuracy

  3. Memory

  4. All of the above

(30) . Vitamin C is essential for:

  1. Appetite

  2. Bones

  3. Muscles

  4. Brain