FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2010

(61) . Red blood corpuscles are formed in the

  1. Liver

  2. Bone marrow

  3. Kidneys

  4. Brain

(62) . Talent is most opposite to

  1. ungrateful

  2. silent

  3. show

  4. inability

(63) . Onions grow in in this part and hence they are always very cheap here:

  1. Demand

  2. Abundance

  3. Peak

  4. Excessive

(64) . Nine members have about the decision, but the tenth one view it

  1. Consensus, Similarly

  2. Disagreement, Collectively

  3. Agreement, Differently

  4. Spoken, Expressly

(65) . If difference between the ages X and Y is 12 years and the ratio of their ages is 3:7 then what is the age of Y

  1. 4 years

  2. 7 years

  3. 11 years

  4. 21 years

(66) . If 9 x 7=3545 and 4 x 3=1520 then 6 x 8=?

  1. 5040

  2. 6050

  3. 4030

  4. 3040

(67) . . At a company's Annual Dinner,1/2 in attendance are employees. Employees' spouse is 1/3 of the attendance. What is the percentage of people Is the percentage of the people In attendance who are neither employees nor employee spouses

  1. 0.105

  2. 0.167

  3. 0.25

  4. 0.323

(68) . If fifth of the month falls two days after Monday, what day of the week will precede the19th of the month?

  1. Friday

  2. Wednesday

  3. Saturda

  4. Monday

(69) . When my father went to school, the boys and girls were taught in classes

  1. seperate

  2. separate

  3. separete

  4. saparate

(70) . You need 4/5 cups of water for a recipe. You accidentally put 1/3 cups i+A72:A98nto the mixing bowl with the dry ingredients. How much more water  in the cups do you need to add?

  1. 1/3cups

  2. 2/3cups

  3. 1/15 cups

  4. 7/15 cups