FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2010

(21) . Continue is most opposite to

  1. curve

  2. argue

  3. carry

  4. pause

(22) . Distort is most similar to

  1. wrong

  2. evil

  3. deform

  4. harm

(23) . It's most important that students studying at university learn to work ______

  1. Indepenantly

  2. Independintly

  3. Independently

  4. Independentely

(24) . I could ______ see the sight since it was dark

  1. Clearly

  2. Barely

  3. Aptly

  4. Aptly

(25) . Predict is most similar to

  1. foretell

  2. decide

  3. prevent

  4. discover

(26) . Remote is most similar to

  1. automatic

  2. distant

  3. savage

  4. mean

(27) . Indifferent is most similar to

  1. neutral

  2. unkind

  3. precious

  4. mean

(28) . What was the relation between Prophet Ismail (PBUH) and Prophet Ishaq (PBUH)

  1. Real Brothers

  2. Step Brothers

  3. Cousins

  4. Father and Son

(29) . Unlike the ancient Greeks, we are Interested In a person's  ______ , the things that make each person different from the general

  1. Qualities

  2. Idiosynetfases

  3. Failures

  4. Stereotypes

(30) . There are total how many seats in the national assembly of Pakistan

  1. 332

  2. 342

  3. 352

  4. 362