FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2010

(81) . The candidate’s exposition was for its brevity and clarity

  1. complimentary

  2. conspicous

  3. Incomprehensible

  4. remarkable

(82) . Fluid is most opposite to

  1. solid

  2. liquid

  3. afraid

  4. decent

(83) . Boy can type 1350 words in 30 minutes, how many he could type in 5 minutes?

  1. 225

  2. 235

  3. 50

  4. 60

(84) . . The objective resolution of March 12,1949 was passed by the constituent family with what significance

  1. It is a Magna Carta of the constitutional history of Pakistan

  2. It does not provide solution to the economic problem of the people

  3. It mixes religion with politics

  4. It makes working of the government complicated

(85) . The speed of light with the rise of temperature in the medium

  1. Increases sharply

  2. Decreases sharply

  3. Remains unaltered

  4. Increase gradually

(86) . Please see it that no harm is done to me

  1. To

  2. Into

  3. On

  4. By

(87) . Who was the first President of Pakistan?

  1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

  2. Liaqat Ali Khan

  3. Sikandar Mirza

  4. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

(88) . . In many rural areas hospitals are equipped because of the of funds from the government

  1. Well, Dearth

  2. Faulty,Lacking

  3. Optionally, Disparity

  4. Inadequately, Scarcity

(89) . Literary criticism has in recent years become increasingly it is almost impossible for the non analysis person to understand analyses

  1. Abstruse

  2. Accessible

  3. Colloquail

  4. Professional

(90) . UN security council consists of the following 5 veto wielding permanent members

  1. China, France, Russia, UK, and US

  2. China, France, USSR, UK and US

  3. China, Germany, Russia,UK and US

  4. Japan, France, Russia, UK and US