ppsc solved past papers assistant S&GAD BS-16 2018

(81) . Which one of the following countries has direct access to Black Sea?

  1. Georgia

  2. Hungary

  3. Slovakia

  4. Greece

(82) . How many points are in badminton game?

  1. 11

  2. 21

  3. 31

  4. 41

(83) . About 25 million child marriages have been prevented in the past decade, reported in March, 2018 by?

  1. UNFP


  3. UNFCR


(84) . The Talks which led to the Camp David Agreements were hosted by the U.S President?

  1. Barack Obama

  2. Gerald Ford

  3. Jimmy Carter

  4. Ronald Reagan

(85) . Headquarter of the International Monetary Fund is in?

  1. Cape Town

  2. Berlin

  3. Washington D. C.

  4. Geneva

(86) . Do you know, unless we take action, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by?

  1. 2020

  2. 2030

  3. 2040

  4. 2050

(87) . North Atlantic Treaty Organization was signed on 4 April 1949 is a?

  1. Civil-military alliance

  2. Peace treaty

  3. Anti-narcotic organization

  4. Military alliance

(88) . According to the GFP, India currently spends $5.1 billion on the military, which is more than what Pakistan does, more by:

  1. 5 time

  2. 6 time

  3. 7 time

  4. 8 time

(89) . Falklands islands were recaptured by the Great Britain in?

  1. 1980

  2. 1981

  3. 1982

  4. 1983

(90) . Five Star Movement is the leading political party in the current general elections held in?

  1. German

  2. Italy

  3. Britain

  4. France