ppsc solved past papers assistant S&GAD BS-16 2018

(21) . Synonym of Eradicate (مٹانا) is?

  1. Eliminate

  2. To forget

  3. To forgive

  4. Validate

(22) . Choose the statement with best punctuation: He is to tell the truth a fool?

  1. He is to tell the truth, a fool.

  2. He is to tell the truth; a fool.

  3. He is, to tell the truth, a fool.

  4. He is: to tell the truth, a fool.

(23) . Complete the idiom: ' Hell hath no fury like .....?

  1. A woman scorned

  2. A burned woman

  3. A woman forgotten

  4. A Devil's advocate

(24) . Fill in the blank: The debate adjourned ..... the following week?

  1. with

  2. for

  3. into

  4. to

(25) . Complete the proverb: A rolling stone gathers no .....?

  1. grass

  2. dirt

  3. moss

  4. clay

(26) . Choose the correct meaning of 'LIMPID' (صاف شفاف)?

  1. Calm

  2. Relaxed

  3. Clear

  4. Opaque

(27) . John Logie Baird is known for his invention of.....?

  1. Mobile Phone

  2. Laptop

  3. Television

  4. Radio

(28) . Metacarpal bones are located in which part of the human body?

  1. Chest

  2. Hands

  3. Feet

  4. Skull

(29) . Food is mainly digested in?

  1. Large intestine

  2. Small intestine

  3. Liver

  4. Mouth

(30) . A gene is a?

  1. Sleep inducing drug

  2. Unit of heredity

  3. Kind of Vitamin

  4. Type of body cell