PPSC past papers Lecturer History (BS-17) 2021

(31) . According to Indus Water Treaty Mangla Dam build on which river?

  1. Chenab

  2. Indus

  3. Jhelum

  4. None of these

(32) . Which famous leader is known with the title of Quaid e Millat?

  1. Fatima Jinnah

  2. Liaquat Ali Khan

  3. Quaid-e-Azam

  4. None of these

(33) . Which of the following PM is former ambassador to USA?

  1. Muhammad Ali Bogra

  2. Ch.Muhammad Ali

  3. Khawaja Nazim uddin

  4. None of these

(34) . In which Movement Claimed land belongs to Allah no one can levied tax and rule?

  1. Farazi movement

  2. Islamic movement

  3. Reshmi Roomal

  4. None of these

(35) . 35. Wavell Plan Presented in which conference?

  1. Simla Conference

  2. Cripps Mission

  3. Lord Pathic Lawrence

  4. None of these

(36) . 36. Who was the Head of Cabinet Mission?

  1. Lord Wavell

  2. Lord Alexander

  3. Lord Pathic Lawrence

  4. None of these

(37) . Nadir Shah belong to which country:

  1. Iran

  2. Afghanistan

  3. Tunisia

  4. None of these

(38) . Partition of Bengal in 1905 Announced by?

  1. Lord Minto

  2. Lord Harding

  3. Lord Curzon

  4. None of these

(39) . During British administration in which year Shimla declared as Summer Capital of British India?

  1. 1864

  2. 1865

  3. 1866

  4. None of these

(40) . Which of the following was Contemporary of Eight Indian Ruler?

  1. Ameer Khusro

  2. Iltutmish

  3. Balban

  4. None of these