PPSC past papers Lecturer History (BS-17) 2021

(71) . Second Highest Peak of the world?

  1. K2

  2. Nanga Parbat

  3. Gasherbrum II

  4. None of these

(72) . Who Composed Music of National Anthem?

  1. Hafeez Jalandhari

  2. Sohail Rana

  3. A.G. Changla

  4. None of these

(73) . Khilafat Committee was formed in which city?

  1. Delhi

  2. Bombay

  3. Calcutta

  4. None of these

(74) . Who translated Objective Resolution into Urdu?

  1. Quaid-e-Azam

  2. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

  3. Begum Maulana M Ali Johor

  4. None of these

(75) . Who introduced modern history of Philosophy

  1. Dr Gibbon

  2. John lock

  3. Rene Descartes

  4. None of these

(76) . Where is the headquarter of SAARC?

  1. Kathmandu Nepal

  2. Delhi

  3. Thimpu

  4. None of these

(77) . Father of History of Psychology?

  1. Herodotus

  2. Edward Gibbon

  3. Wilhem Wundt

  4. None of these

(78) . Who was the last President of USSR?

  1. Joseph Stalin

  2. Mikhail Gorbachev

  3. Nikita Khrushchev

  4. None of these

(79) . Anglo Afghan Treaty was concluded in?

  1. 1912

  2. 1915

  3. 1919

  4. None of these

(80) . Transgender Act passed in Pakistan?

  1. 2018

  2. 2020

  3. 2021

  4. None of these