PPSC past papers Lecturer History (BS-17) 2021

(51) . How Many Muslims Participtaed in Ghazwa

  1. 82

  2. 313

  3. 76

  4. None of these

(52) . Queen Khiran was the wife of:

  1. Kousar

  2. Al Mehdi

  3. Al Ateeb

  4. None of these

(53) . Who stood against Akbar Deen-i-Ilahi?

  1. Khawaja Baki Billah

  2. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi

  3. Aurangzeb

  4. None of these

(54) . Proverb Still Water runs deep. Deep is:

  1. Adverb

  2. verb

  3. Noun

  4. None of these

(55) . Who was the architect of Deccan Policy?

  1. (A) Jahangir

  2. Babar

  3. Aurangzeb

  4. None of these

(56) . You are angry me------ on this matter?

  1. In

  2. (B) TO

  3. With

  4. None of these

(57) . Iberian Peninsula Muslim forced conversion to Christianity

  1. Ethnicity

  2. Conversos

  3. Moriscos

  4. None of these

(58) . President Muhammad Al Gaddafi belong to which country?

  1. Libya

  2. Iran

  3. Syria

  4. None of these

(59) . Military commander of Sultan Abdul Hameed?

  1. Kamal Pasha

  2. Sarwat Ud din

  3. Hassan Pasha

  4. None of these

(60) . To convert Word file into PDF file which of the following Command Use?

  1. Save as

  2. New Document

  3. Click Edit

  4. None of these