PPSC Solved Past Paper Manager Auqaf BS-16 2017

(51) . Total number of senators in the senate are:

  1. 100

  2. 104

  3. 108

  4. 120

(52) . Each province, in the senate, has how many members?

  1. 23

  2. 25

  3. 27

  4. 22

(53) . The agreement for line of control was signed in:

  1. 1971

  2. 1972

  3. 1973

  4. 1975

(54) . Now and Never pamphlet was published in:

  1. 1933

  2. 1943

  3. 1922

  4. 1953

(55) . Sir Syed established which institution for the purpose of translation of English works:

  1. Madrasah Muradabad

  2. Scientific Society

  3. Madrasah Ghaziabad

  4. None

(56) . Jamia Milia Islamia is in:

  1. Lahore

  2. Delhi

  3. Karachi

  4. Agra

(57) . Running from Safa to Marwa is called:

  1. Youm' Nahr

  2. Sa'ee

  3. Youm us Sa'ee

  4. Jeh'ad

(58) . Awaz e Dost was written by:

  1. Akhtar Masood

  2. Mukhtar Masood

  3. Amjad Masood

  4. Saleh Masood

(59) . Change of Qiblah is in which Surah:

  1. Surah Yunus

  2. Surah Bakarah

  3. Surah Namal

  4. Surah Muhammad

(60) . Musa (A.S) was known as:

  1. Zabeeh Ullah

  2. Kateem Ullah

  3. Rooh ullah

  4. None of these