(61) . ln virtual circuit, the network each packet contains:

  1. Full source and destination address

  2. A short VC number

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

(62) . Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design?

  1. Shortest path algorithm

  2. Distance vector routing

  3. Link stale routing

  4. All of these

(63) . The network layer protocol of internet is:

  1. Ethernet

  2. Internet protocol

  3. Hypertext transfer protocol

  4. None of these

(64) . ICMP is primarily used for:

  1. Error and diagnostic functions

  2. Addressing

  3. Forwarding

  4. None of these

(65) . The lexical analyzer takes _____ as input and produces a stream of ______ as output

  1. Source program tokens

  2. Token, source program

  3. Both A & B

  4. None of these

(66) . Parsing is also known as:

  1. Lexical Analysis

  2. Syntax Analysis

  3. Semantic Arialysis

  4. Code generation

(67) . A compiler program is written in a high tevet ranguage is called:

  1. Source program

  2. Object program

  3. Machine Language program

  4. None of these

(68) . The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as

  1. Resolution

  2. Depth

  3. Mass

  4. None of these

(69) . ln graphical system, the array of pixels ln the picture is stored in:

  1. Memory

  2. Frame buffer

  3. processor

  4. All of these

(70) . Which of the following is key characteristic of hacker?

  1. Afraid to say they don't know the answer

  2. Willing to find answers on their own

  3. Not willing to find answers on their own

  4. All of these