(1) . Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler?

  1. Dispatcher

  2. Interrupt

  3. Scheduler

  4. None of these

(2) . The processes that are residing in the main memory for execution are kept on a list called:

  1. Job queue

  2. Ready queue

  3. Execution queue

  4. Process queue

(3) . The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed AS:

  1. Waiting time

  2. Turnaround time

  3. Response time

  4. Throughput

(4) . Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?

  1. First-come first-served scheduling

  2. Shortest job scheduling

  3. Priority scheduling

  4. None of these

(5) . In the priority scheduling algorithm:

  1. CPU is allocated to the process with highest priority

  2. CPU is allocated to the Process with lowest priority

  3. Equal priority processes cannot be scheduled

  4. None of these

(6) . ln priority scheduling algorithm, when a process arrives at the ready queue. its priority is compared with the priority of

  1. All process

  2. Currently running process

  3. Parent process

  4. Init process

(7) . Time quantum is defined in:

  1. Shortest job scheduling algorithm

  2. Round robin scheduling algorithm

  3. Priority scheduling algorithm

  4. Multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

(8) . ln multilevel feedback scheduling algorithm;

  1. A process can move to a different classified ready queue

  2. Classification of ready queue is permanent

  3. Processes are not classified into groups

  4. None of the mentioned

(9) . Which one of the following cannot be scheduled by the kernel?

  1. Kernel level thread

  2. User level thread

  3. Process

  4. None of these

(10) . A process refers to 5 pages, A, B, C, D. E in the order: A, B, C, D, A, B, E, A, B, C, O, E. if the page replacement algorithm is FIFO. the number of page transfers with an empty internal store of 3 frames is:

  1. 8

  2. 10

  3. 9

  4. 7