PPSC Manager Auqaf BS-16 2014 past papers

(1) . After which incident, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan predicted that gulf of differences between Hindus and Muslims of India shall widen with the passage of time:-

  1. Swadeshi Movement of Congress

  2. Urdu Hindi Controversy in U.P.

  3. Arya Samaj's Campaign against Islam

  4. Anti Muslim civil service reforms of 1867.

(2) . Sir Syed Ahmad Khan asked the Muslims not join the Indian National Congress because:

  1. It was dominated by the Hindu leaders

  2. Congress was against the Muslims demand of separate electorate: -

  3. He urged them to join Indian Patriotic Association rather than Congress.

  4. None of the above reasons.

(3) . Identify the personality who founded the famous "Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam" in Karachi:

  1. Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi

  2. Syed Hasan Ali Afandi

  3. Sahibzada Sir Abdul Qayyum

  4. Maulana Shibli Naumani

(4) . Identify the most important feature of the Govt. of India Act 1935:

  1. Dyarchy was completely eliminated

  2. Adult franchise was introduced.

  3. It made the provinces separate legal entities

  4. The council of the Secretary of State of India was abolished

(5) . Which was the main factor responsible for the resignation of the Congress ministers in the provinces during October 1939:

  1. The British Government rejected the Congress demand to stop interference in the financial affairs of the Indian Provincés.

  2. The refusal of the British Government to promise immediately complete independence to India leaving behind the communal problems

  3. British Government turned down Congress demand of not indulging in Second World War which would endanger the security of India.

  4. None of the above

(6) . Under which scheme did Muslim League surrender the demand of separate electorate for the Muslims: -

  1. Delhi proposals 1927

  2. Patna Scheme 1938

  3. Poona Pact

  4. Never surrendered this demand

(7) . In the Red Cliff Award of 1947, the Muslim majority areas of Gurdaspur and Pathankot were handed over to India just because:

  1. This area was rich in mineral wealth.

  2. River Ravi originated from here which was the lifeline of West Pakistan.

  3. It provided road link from India to Kashmir valley Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution

  4. It was a huge military cantonment

(8) . Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution 1940

  1. Maulvi Fazalul Haq

  2. Ch. Khaleequzzaman

  3. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

  4. Amjadi Begum

(9) . The Congress formed ministries after 1937 provincial elections in:

  1. Five provinces

  2. Six provinces

  3. Seven provinces

  4. Eight provinces

(10) . On which occasion Quaid-i-Azam said "Hindu India & Muslim India parted and parted forever:

  1. On failure of Ghandi Jinnah talks in 1944.

  2. On the rejection of his proposed modification in Nehru Report, 1928.

  3. On the beginning of Urdu Hindi controversy, 1867

  4. On the rejection of Fourteen Points of Quaid, by the Congress in 1929.