Past paper Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2004

(41) . The wonder of the world Taj Mahal’ (Agra) is situated in the Indian state:

  1. Uttar Pradesh

  2. Himachal Pradesh

  3. Madhya Pradesh

  4. None of them

(42) . Greenwich Mean Time was established in

  1. 1864

  2. 1880

  3. 1884

  4. 1892

(43) . The number of amendments in Pakistan’s constitution are:

  1. 13

  2. 14

  3. 17

  4. 19

(44) . The Magna Carta was signed by King John on

  1. 15th June 1215

  2. 15th August 1225

  3. 15th June 1235

  4. None of above

(45) . The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with

  1. France

  2. Germany

  3. Russia

  4. England

(46) . Name the country through which equator passes:

  1. Indonesia

  2. China

  3. Malta

  4. Pakistan

(47) . Who first pioneered the idea of a blood bank?

  1. Booker T, Washington

  2. George Washington Carver

  3. Jonas Salk

  4. Charles Drew

(48) . Which of the following countries became the last member of UNO?

  1. Kosovo

  2. East Timor

  3. Montenegro

  4. South Sudan

(49) . “Decision Points” Book is written by

  1. Barack Obama

  2. George W Bush

  3. Asif Ali Zardari

  4. AIGore

(50) . Which of the following is the oldest Parliament of world?

  1. National congress

  2. National Assembly

  3. Bondesrat

  4. Althing