Past paper Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2004

(21) . An ordinance promulgated by the President of Pakistan stands repealed at the expiration of'

  1. Three months

  2. Four months

  3. Six months

  4. Nine months

(22) . No person shall be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan unless he has been a judge of a high Court for a period of:

  1. Five years

  2. Seven years

  3. Nine years

  4. Fifteen years

(23) . What is the function of Internet?

  1. To receive e-mail

  2. To advertise commercial products

  3. To connect one computer to another

  4. All of these

(24) . What do you understand by the term “Kerb” in foreign currency dealings?

  1. The exchange rate of currencies in the open market

  2. The exchange rate of currencies determined by the State Bank of Pakistan

  3. All sort of monetary dealings in foreign currencies within the stock exchange

  4. None of these

(25) . In Pakistan, Ushr began to be collected from the:

  1. Rabi crop of 1982-83

  2. Kharif crop of 1981-82

  3. Rabi crop of 1983-84

  4. None of these

(26) . When third martial law was lifted?

  1. Dec 28,1985

  2. 12/29/1985 12:00:00 AM

  3. 12/31/1985 12:00:00 AM

  4. 12/30/1985 12:00:00 AM

(27) . President Zia, after execution of ZA Bhutto found it difficult to control province?

  1. Punjab

  2. Sindh

  3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  4. Baluchistan

(28) . Which political party launched an offensive against Zia?

  1. Muslim League

  2. PPP

  3. Awami Party

  4. ANP

(29) . Quartizite is metamorphosed from

  1. ) Limestone

  2. Obsidian

  3. Sandstone

  4. Shale

(30) . Which of the following cell organelles play the most significant role in protein synthesis?

  1. Lysosome and Centrosome

  2. Endoplasmic reticulum and Ribosome

  3. Golgi apparatus and Mitochondria

  4. Lysosome and Mitochondria