Past paper Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2004

(11) . The first Pakistani who became the judge of “international Court of Justice" was:

  1. Durab Petel

  2. M.R. Kiani

  3. Sir Zafarullah Khan

  4. None of above

(12) . The UN Security Council Consists of:

  1. 5 members

  2. 11 members

  3. 15 members

  4. 20 members

(13) . The Suez Canal Connects:

  1. Indian Ocean and Pacific

  2. Atlantic and South China Sea

  3. Black Sea and the Mediterranean

  4. Mediterranean and the Red Sea

(14) . The headquarters of the “Asian Development Bank” is at:

  1. Jakarta

  2. Tokyo

  3. Kuala Lumpur

  4. Manila

(15) . Which Strait separates India from Sri Lanka?

  1. the Palk Strait

  2. Malacca Strait

  3. Strait of Hormuz

  4. None of these

(16) . The Digital Computer operates on:

  1. Binary system

  2. Octal system

  3. Hexadecimal system

  4. Decimal system

(17) . The Constitution of Pakistan 1973, can be amended:

  1. With the simple majority vote in the two houses of parliament.

  2. With two-third majority in the National Assembly and a simple majority of the Senate.

  3. With two third majority of both the houses of parliament

  4. With the approval of Provincial Legislatures.

(18) . Identify “Software" in computer technology:

  1. Physical equipment

  2. Collection of programmes

  3. Graphical representation

  4. None of these

(19) . . “Disarmament” conveys the meaning:

  1. Reduction of armaments

  2. Abandonment of armaments

  3. Reduction of armed forces

  4. All of these

(20) . The number of chromosomes present in a man, including the two (X&Y), which determine the sex of an organism are:

  1. 23

  2. 26

  3. 46

  4. 56