Office Assistant FDA Faisalabad 2021

(71) . If a number is multiplied by two-third of itself the value so obtained is 864. What is the number?

  1. 34

  2. 35

  3. 36

  4. None of these

(72) . A student obtained 75%, 80% and 85% in three subjects, if the marks of another subject are added then the number can't be less than

  1. 60%

  2. 70%

  3. 80%

  4. None of these

(73) . A sum of Rs.12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. What is the rate of interest?

  1. 6%

  2. 8%

  3. 10%

  4. None of these

(74) . If X% of 25/2 is 150 then the value of:

  1. 1000

  2. 1200

  3. 1400

  4. None of these

(75) . Three Fourth of number is 60 more than third number. The number is?

  1. 60

  2. 144

  3. 120

  4. None of these

(76) . If 2/3 of A is 75% of B=0.6 of C then A.B.C is:

  1. 3 : 4 : 5

  2. 9 : 8 : 10

  3. 9 : 11 : 14

  4. None of these

(77) . Which key is used to minimize Excel Worksheet?

  1. CTRL+F5

  2. CTRL+F11

  3. CTRL+F9

  4. None of these

(78) . Videos, Documents and files can be shown in:

  1. WhatsApp

  2. YouTube

  3. Skype

  4. All of these

(79) . The extension of PowerPoint is:

  1. XLS

  2. PPT

  3. TXT

  4. All of these

(80) . In MS-Word, Header & Footer are inserted in:

  1. Front Page

  2. Last Page

  3. On Every Page

  4. None of these