Office Assistant FDA Faisalabad 2021

(61) . I went ...... the airport to catch flight.

  1. In

  2. To

  3. Of

  4. None of these

(62) . Change Voice: Open the Window.

  1. Let the window be open

  2. Let the window be opened

  3. Let the windows be opened

  4. None of these

(63) . Farmer Parkinson dog is ....... to scare any intruder.

  1. Such Ferocious

  2. Ferocious enough

  3. Ferocious that

  4. None of these

(64) . Better to be untaught than (ill-taught).ill taught is:

  1. Adjective

  2. Noun

  3. Verb

  4. None of these

(65) . The Solicitor wrote a letter to Ann and ...... in which he asked us if we could settle t matter between ......

  1. Me/Us

  2. I/Us

  3. Myself/Us

  4. None of these

(66) . He said to me, "Keep Quiet".

  1. He asked me to keep quiet.

  2. He ordered to keep quiet.

  3. He instructed to me to keep quiet.

  4. None of these

(67) . The dog sprang ...... him.

  1. On

  2. Upon

  3. In

  4. None of these

(68) . Which comes immediately after the noun?

  1. Verb Phrase

  2. Adjective Phrase

  3. Adverb Phrase

  4. None of these

(69) . Correct the right one:

  1. Do not make friends with selfish people

  2. Do not make friend with selfish people

  3. Do not make friendship with selfish people

  4. None of these

(70) . Father ...... me not to go out in the cold.

  1. Adviced

  2. Advised

  3. Advice

  4. None of these