Office Assistant FDA Faisalabad 2021

(41) . European Union has how many members:

  1. 27

  2. 28

  3. 29

  4. None of these

(42) . The Capital of Libya is:

  1. Kathmandu

  2. Brachia

  3. Tripoli

  4. None of these

(43) . Foreign Policy of Pakistan is:

  1. Bilateralism

  2. Regionalism

  3. Alliance Policy

  4. None of these

(44) . Sedimentary Rocks make how much part of earth?

  1. 50%

  2. 40%

  3. 75%

  4. None of these

(45) . When Tarbela Dam Completed?

  1. 1967

  2. 1973

  3. 1976

  4. None of these

(46) . Which continent has no desert?

  1. Asia

  2. Europe

  3. Africa

  4. None of these

(47) . Greenwich mean time is located near the city of:

  1. London

  2. Rome

  3. New York

  4. None of these

(48) . When Shah Wali Ullah was born in:

  1. 1703

  2. 1705

  3. 1707

  4. None of these

(49) . Main reason of Partition of Bengal was:

  1. Religious grounds

  2. Administrative requirements

  3. On Muslims Demands

  4. None of these

(50) . Shatt al-Arab is the River that borders two countries, which are:

  1. Iran and Egypt

  2. Iran and Iraq

  3. Iran and Oman

  4. None of these