Office Assistant FDA Faisalabad 2021

(21) . The Population of Pakistan under the age of 35 is:

  1. 65%

  2. 55%

  3. 45%

  4. None of these

(22) . Max Weber was a German:

  1. Sociologist

  2. Biologist

  3. Scientist

  4. None of these

(23) . The Third most abundant element is:

  1. Oxygen

  2. Silicon

  3. Aluminum

  4. None of these

(24) . Far Sightedness can be corrected by:

  1. Convex lens

  2. Concave lens

  3. Bi Focal lens

  4. None of these

(25) . Urdu-Hindi controversy started in:

  1. 1857

  2. 1867

  3. 1877

  4. None of these

(26) . How many Neutrons in Hydrogen:

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. None of these

(27) . Bolshevik revolution is related to:

  1. Russia

  2. France

  3. Ukraine

  4. None of these

(28) . Bolan Pass is in which Range:

  1. Toba Kakar Range

  2. Sulaiman Range

  3. Kirthar Range

  4. None of these

(29) . Last Governor General of Pakistan was:

  1. Ghulam Muhammad

  2. Iskandar Mirza

  3. Quaid-e-Azam

  4. None of these

(30) . Kunhar River is also called:

  1. Chitral River

  2. Swat River

  3. Panjkora

  4. None of these