Office Assistant FDA Faisalabad 2021

(1) . Bandar Abbas seaport is in which country:

  1. Iran

  2. Iraq

  3. Egypt

  4. None of these

(2) . Al-Amal is the Mars mission of:

  1. Pakistan

  2. Saudi Arabia

  3. UAE

  4. None of these

(3) . Sehat Health Insurance Program started from which province of Pakistan?

  1. КРК

  2. Punjab

  3. Sindh

  4. None of these

(4) . Why Afghanistan oppose Pakistan membership in UNO:

  1. Durand Line

  2. Indian Pressure

  3. Insurgency

  4. None of these

(5) . Which city of Pakistan is called Paris of Asia?

  1. Lahore

  2. Karachi

  3. Faisalabad

  4. None of these

(6) . Iron Dome Technology is possessed by:

  1. Italy

  2. Israel

  3. Iran

  4. None of these

(7) . The founder of Amazon is:

  1. Jeff Bezos

  2. Paul Allen

  3. Steve Ballmer

  4. None of these

(8) . In 2018, which court reopened case of spy Kulbhushan Jadhav:

  1. ICJ

  2. European Court

  3. Supreme Court of Pakistan

  4. None of these

(9) . A Senator is elected for how many years:

  1. 4

  2. 5

  3. 6

  4. None of these

(10) . What was the purpose of Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909:

  1. Separate Provinces

  2. Separate Electorates

  3. Equal Proportion

  4. None of these