Naib tehsildar (BS-14) 2009 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(1) . When did the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H offer Haj?

  1. 4 AH

  2. 6 AH

  3. 8 AH

  4. 10 AH

(2) . Which Surah does not start with Bismillah.?

  1. Al Asr

  2. Al Nisa

  3. Al Tauba

  4. Al Nama

(3) . What is the total number of Ghazwas.?

  1. 23

  2. 25

  3. 27

  4. 30

(4) . ln which year Migration to Madina took place.?

  1. 618 AD

  2. 620 AD

  3. 622 AD

  4. 624 AD

(5) . When did the Battle of Uhad take places.?

  1. 2 AH

  2. 3 AH

  3. 4 AH

  4. 5 AH

(6) . When did the partition of Bengal take place.?

  1. 1901

  2. 1905

  3. 1907

  4. 1909

(7) . Who was the first viceroy in India.?

  1. Lord Canning

  2. Lord Curzon

  3. Lord Reading

  4. Lord Linlithgow

(8) . Who was the viceroy of India at the time of the Simon Commission.?

  1. Lord Irwin

  2. Lord Chelmsford

  3. Lord Minto

  4. Lord Wavell

(9) . Who was the editor of the daily Zamindar.?

  1. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

  2. Ghulam Rasul Mehr

  3. Hameed Nazami

  4. Abdul Majid Saliq

(10) . Who is the author of India wins freedom.?

  1. Ch Mohammad Ali

  2. Dr Abdul Hameed

  3. Khalid Bin Saeed

  4. Abul Kalam Azad