Naib Tehsildar (Bs-14) 2008 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(71) . The world’s most populous city is?

  1. Mexico City

  2. Beijing

  3. New York

  4. Tokyo

(72) . How many countries are in UNO?

  1. 191

  2. 192

  3. 193

  4. 194

(73) . Who is the US secretary of state?

  1. Sarah Palin

  2. John Kerry

  3. Boris Baker

  4. None of the above

(74) . Emmanuel Macron is president of?

  1. France

  2. China

  3. Japan

  4. Belgium

(75) . 1 square foot is equal to?

  1. 36 square inches

  2. 72 square inches

  3. 120 square inches

  4. 144 square inches

(76) . The sea border in the “Gulf of Tonkin” is disputed between China and?

  1. JAPAN

  2. Thailand

  3. Vietnam

  4. Philippines

(77) . The Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been closed permanently. it was located in?

  1. Ukrain

  2. Kazakhstan

  3. Belarus

  4. Latvia

(78) . Who was the first permanent representative of Pakistan in the united nations?

  1. Sir Zafar-Ullah Khan

  2. Pitras Bukhari

  3. MAH lsphani

  4. Begum Feroz Khan Noon

(79) . 16 October each year is observed throughout the world as?

  1. World Food Day

  2. No Tobacco Day

  3. Press Freedom Day

  4. Human Rights Day

(80) . The first country that recognizes Pakistan after its creation was?

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Iran

  3. Saudi Arabia

  4. Egypt