Naib Tehsildar (Bs-14) 2008 in the Punjab board of revenue department

(31) . Santiago is the capital of

  1. Georgia

  2. Estonia

  3. Finland

  4. None of the above .

(32) . Which of the following countries is situated below sea level:

  1. New Zealand

  2. Japan

  3. Turkey

  4. Netherlands

(33) . The earth rotation from its axis is:

  1. South to North

  2. North to South

  3. East to West

  4. West to east

(34) . DARCHAMA is the currency of:

  1. Greece

  2. Argentina

  3. Austria

  4. None of the above

(35) . Green vegetables are a good source of:

  1. Starch

  2. Fats and Oil

  3. Protein

  4. Minerals and Vitamins

(36) . Darwin is the seaport of

  1. Australia

  2. France

  3. U.K

  4. Germany

(37) . The world’s largest producer of silk is:

  1. Malaysia

  2. Bangladesh

  3. China

  4. India

(38) . MENA (middle east news agency) is the agency of :

  1. Syria

  2. Saudi Arabia

  3. Jordan

  4. Egypt

(39) . "Lion" is the national emblem of :

  1. Sri Lanka

  2. Norway

  3. Belgium

  4. All of these

(40) . The game hockey is originated from:

  1. Pakistan

  2. England

  3. Australia

  4. Greece