Junior Deputy Director in Intelligence Bureau (2008)

(41) . ‘Mauritius’ is an island state in the:

  1. Pacific Ocean

  2. Atlantic Ocean

  3. Indian Ocean

  4. Artie Ocean

(42) . ‘Parkinson’ is a disease of:

  1. Brain

  2. Heart

  3. Lungs

  4. Bones

(43) . . 'NIKKEI' is a stock exchange index of:

  1. New York

  2. Tokyo

  3. Hong Kong

  4. London

(44) . The present government has renamed the ‘Micro Finance Bank' as:

  1. Supporting Bank

  2. Kisan Bank

  3. Khushhali

  4. Cooperative Bank

(45) . The world’s free economy’ with lowest taxes and lack of trade barriers is that of:

  1. Hong Kong

  2. Singapore

  3. Ireland

  4. New Zealand

(46) . A nuclear agriculture research centre of Pakistan has developed a new variety of wheat crop by the name of

  1. Sarhad

  2. Fakhre

  3. Naib-78

  4. Soghat

(47) . . District “Swat" belongs to

  1. Peshawar Division

  2. Hazara Division

  3. Mardan Division

  4. Malakand Division

(48) . The normal pulse beat of a human body is between:

  1. 72-80

  2. 82-90

  3. 92-98

  4. None

(49) . The biggest market of Pakistani exports is:

  1. USA

  2. UK

  3. China

  4. Saudi Arabia

(50) . The headquarter of United Nations Environmental Programme is situated at:

  1. Nairob

  2. Berne

  3. Vienna

  4. Ottawa