Junior Deputy Director in Intelligence Bureau (2008)

(31) . Ghulam Muhammad Barrage was constructed on River

  1. Kabul

  2. Swat

  3. Jhelum

  4. Indus

(32) . The world’s largest undersea railway tunnel is proposed to be-constructed between:

  1. France and England

  2. Canada and USA

  3. Russia and Japan

  4. Japan and South Korea

(33) . What do you understand by ’Intifada’?

  1. Truce

  2. Peacp

  3. Uprising

  4. Ethnically

(34) . The proposed 'Basha Dam on Indus River would be constructed in

  1. KPK

  2. Northern Areas

  3. Punjab

  4. None

(35) . Too much presence of one of the following salts in human blood' increases the risk of a heart attack, the salt is:

  1. Potassium

  2. Calcium

  3. Iron

  4. Magnesium

(36) . The agro based industry is:

  1. Poultry farming

  2. Fishery

  3. Livestock

  4. All of above

(37) . The extinct volcano “Koh-i-Sultan" in Balochistan contains the deposits of

  1. Chromite

  2. Sulphur

  3. Gypsuny

  4. Bauxite

(38) . The minimum annual rainfall in Pakistan was recorded at

  1. Kalat

  2. Noshki

  3. Nokkundi

  4. Panjgur

(39) . The US government has initiated a nuclear missile defence shield programme by the name of:

  1. National Missile Defence

  2. International Missile Defence System

  3. Antiballistic Missile Shield

  4. Intercontinental Missile Defence Sysfem

(40) . ZIANA’ is-a news agency of:

  1. Zambia

  2. Zimbabwe

  3. New Zealand

  4. Zaire