Junior Deputy Director in Intelligence Bureau (2008)

(21) . CAR is an abbreviation of

  1. Central Asian Republicans

  2. Central Asian Revolution

  3. Central Arabian Revolution

  4. Central Amercian Revolution

(22) . When Pakistan’s Minister of State for Economic Affairs visited CAR?

  1. 1990

  2. 1991

  3. 1992

  4. 1993

(23) . SAARC is abbreviation of

  1. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

  2. South Asian Association for Re-formative Co-operation

  3. South Asian Association for Reconstruction Co-operation

  4. South Asian Association for Re-habitiation Co-operation

(24) . SAARC is which type of organization?

  1. National

  2. International

  3. Regiona

  4. Local

(25) . Neploeon was defeated by?

  1. Wellington

  2. Nelson

  3. Hasting

  4. None of above

(26) . Lisbon is the capital of?

  1. Peru

  2. Monaco

  3. Portugal

  4. Kenya

(27) . The SAF (South Asian Federation) Game, as a part of the SAARC programme, was first held in

  1. 1964

  2. 1974

  3. 1984

  4. 1994

(28) . When first SAARC summit held in Dhaka?

  1. 5-6 December, 1985

  2. 6-7 December. 1985

  3. 7-8 December, 1985

  4. 8-9 December, 1985

(29) . Hanging gardens are

  1. Egypt

  2. Syria

  3. Jordan

  4. Iraq

(30) . When Pakistan became the member of Non Alliegned Movement?

  1. 1977

  2. 1978

  3. 1979

  4. 1987