Inspector Investigation FIA (2019)

(51) . Who is the current Chief Minister of Balochistan?

  1. Abdul Quddus Bazinjo

  2. Akhtar Mengal

  3. Jam Kamal

  4. None of these

(52) . Which Janam Day (birthday) of Guru Nanak was celebrated by the Sikh Community in November 2018?

  1. 549th

  2. 550th

  3. 551th

  4. None of these

(53) . Which party in UK is currently in power?

  1. Labor party

  2. Conservative party

  3. Liberal Democrat

  4. None of these

(54) . Which country won the football world cup 2018?

  1. France

  2. Croatia

  3. Germany

  4. None of these

(55) . One Belt one road (OBOR) project of China?

  1. It is part of CPEC

  2. Includes CPEC in it

  3. Is part of New silk road

  4. None of these

(56) . The Predecessor organization of ECO is?

  1. SEATO

  2. CENTO

  3. RCD

  4. None of these

(57) . When the exit of Britain (BREXIT) from European Union shall be completed?

  1. Jan, 2019

  2. Feb, 2019

  3. March, 2019

  4. None of these

(58) . Headquarter of ECO is in?

  1. Ashgabat

  2. Tashkent

  3. Tehran

  4. None of these

(59) . The current US president belongs to?

  1. Democrats

  2. Republicans

  3. Independents

  4. None of these

(60) . When Indian Film Actress Sri Devi died?

  1. 2015

  2. 2016

  3. 2017

  4. 2018