Inspector Investigation FIA (2019)

(11) . Antonym of 'repugnance' (ناگوار) is?

  1. Attraction

  2. Reject

  3. Refusal

  4. None of these

(12) . The idiom "Break the ice" (حجاب رفع کرنا) means?

  1. Easy to mould

  2. To do difficult job

  3. To do something to reduce tension

  4. None of these

(13) . The idiom "When pigs fly" (وہ چیز جو ناممکن ہو) means?

  1. Something that will never happen

  2. Something bad

  3. Something good to happen

  4. None of these

(14) . The idiom "Once in a blue moon" (کبھی کبھار) means?

  1. Every month

  2. That will never happen again

  3. An event that happens infrequently

  4. None of these

(15) . Choose the correct sentence?

  1. She ran out of the room

  2. She ran out the room

  3. She ran out from the room

  4. None of these

(16) . Choose the correct sentence?

  1. You ought to not go

  2. You ought not to go

  3. You not ought to go

  4. None of these

(17) . Choose the correct passive voice of 'Who taught you grammar?"

  1. By whom grammar was taught to you?

  2. By whom you were taught grammar?

  3. By whom were you taught grammar?

  4. None of these

(18) . Choose the correct voice of "Why are you telling a lie?"

  1. Why are you told a lie?

  2. Why is a be being told by you?

  3. Why a lie is being told by you?

  4. Why is a lie being told by you?

(19) . Change the narration "Aisha said, I can play cricket."?

  1. Aisha told that she could play cricket

  2. Aisha told that she can play cricket

  3. Aisha told she could play cricket

  4. None of these

(20) . Change the narration "Saima said "Two and two make four."?

  1. Saima told two and two made four

  2. Saima told that two and two is made four

  3. Saima said that two and two are made four

  4. Saima said that two and two make four.