FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2008 past paper

(81) . . I have told him many times not to do that.

  1. several

  2. unlimited

  3. numberless

  4. numberless

(82) . He was warned at the outset of his career.

  1. end

  2. beginning

  3. middle

  4. entrance

(83) . The bounties of nature are being exploited by man.

  1. gifts

  2. products

  3. rules

  4. ecological balances

(84) . There is no efficacious remedy to unemployment problem in a country which has no ideological convictions.

  1. suitable

  2. possible

  3. effective

  4. proper

(85) . Methods of spreading the family planning message have been as fecund as they have been abortive.

  1. peculiar

  2. failing

  3. fruitful

  4. False

(86) . He always advocated the cause of indigenous industries.

  1. foreign

  2. big

  3. cottage

  4. native

(87) . Shazia could not recollect the incident that had happened in her childhood.

  1. remind

  2. recall

  3. memorise

  4. assemble

(88) . Reading of poetry is not correlate to his taste,

  1. suited

  2. beneficial

  3. helpful

  4. preferable

(89) . NERVOUS

  1. Bold

  2. Doubtful

  3. Timid

  4. Shrewish

(90) . ACUTE

  1. Critical

  2. Sharp

  3. Dull

  4. Sensitive