FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2008 past paper

(61) . Which 1s the highest park situated more than 4000 metres above sea level?

  1. Green Park

  2. Northern Area Park

  3. Ayub Park

  4. National Park

(62) . Name the first Pakistani Bank which started its operation on August 17, 1947

  1. Muslim Commercial Bank

  2. Habib Bank Ltd.

  3. United Bank Ltd.

  4. None of the above

(63) . A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years and to Rs. 854 in 4 years. The sum is:

  1. Rs. 850

  2. Rs. 790

  3. Rs. 698

  4. Rs. 800

(64) . Sum of money becomes Rs. 13,380 after 3 years and Rs. 20,070 after 6 years on compound interest. The sum is:

  1. Rs. 9200

  2. Rs. 9000

  3. Rs. 8920

  4. Rs. 9040

(65) . An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes:

  1. 0.1025

  2. 0.13

  3. 0.15

  4. 0.11

(66) . GLIB

  1. Smooth

  2. Indifferent

  3. Gainful

  4. Rough


  1. Reserve

  2. Hesitation

  3. Changeableness

  4. Dumbness

(68) . APPAREL

  1. Appearance

  2. Clothing

  3. Confidence

  4. Manner

(69) . DOLEFUL

  1. Colourful

  2. Jovial

  3. Bright

  4. Mournful


  1. Short-living

  2. Mythical

  3. Unreal

  4. Artificial