FPSC Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2008 past paper

(41) . Central Asia became the part of Muslim Empire during the reign of:

  1. Yazid

  2. Waleed I 

  3. Khalid bin Waleed

  4. None of them

(42) . The conqueror of Central Asia was:

  1. Khalid bin Walled

  2. Qutayba bin Muslim 

  3. Muhammad bin Qasim

  4. None of them

(43) . The last caliph of Ummayyads was:

  1. Yazid III

  2. Marwan II 

  3. Hisham

  4. None of them

(44) . The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during the reign of Abbasid caliph

  1. Abu Muslim

  2. Al Mansoor 

  3. ) Al Mahdi

  4. Adul Abbas

(45) . The nation of Samood was preached by:

  1. Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)

  2. Hazrat Salih (AS) 

  3. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

  4. Hazrat Uzair (AS)

(46) . 1 nibble contains:

  1. 8 bits

  2. 6 bits

  3. 4 bits

  4. 16 bits

(47) . FAST stands for:

  1. Federation against software teaching

  2. Federation against science teaching

  3. Federation against software theft

  4. None of above

(48) . A combination of 16 bits are called:

  1. Bit

  2. Byte

  3. Nibble

  4. Word

(49) . The Unit that control all parts of computer is:

  1. CPU

  2. CU

  3. ALU

  4. Register

(50) . 1024 bytes equal to:

  1. One Kilo bytes

  2. One Mega byte

  3. One Giga byte

  4. One Terabyte