Deputy Accountant (BS-16) in Finance Department 2019 (Evening)

(51) . The sun ______ from behind the clouds.

  1. Immerged

  2. Emerged

  3. Inverse

  4. None of these

(52) . Ring of Fire is attributed to:

  1. Pacific Ocean

  2. Atlantic Ocean

  3. Arctic Ocean

  4. None of these

(53) . December 3, (every year) is observed all over the world as:

  1. International Literacy Day

  2. International Civil Aviation Day

  3. International Day of Persons with Disabilities

  4. International Human Rights

(54) . The World Economic Forum was formed in:

  1. 1975

  2. 1980

  3. 1971

  4. 1973

(55) . Who gave Hajr-e-Aswad to Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) during the rebuilding of the House of Allah?

  1. Hazrat Adam (A.S)

  2. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)

  3. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

  4. None of these

(56) . Complete the number series: 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, _____

  1. 60

  2. 62

  3. 64

  4. 32

(57) . Correct the following sentences by identifying the right option: My father work in a bank in Frankfurt.

  1. My father work hard in a Frankfurt bank

  2. Does my father works in a bank in Frankfurt

  3. My father works in a bank in Frankfurt

  4. Where does my father worked in a bank in Frankfurt?

(58) . Identify the Muslim ruler who instituted the Islamic calendar from the year of the Holy Prophet's Migration to Madina.

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)

  2. Hazrat Umar (RA)

  3. Abdul Malik Bin Marwan

  4. None of these

(59) . Who is the head of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission?

  1. Muhammad Naeem

  2. Dr Samar Mubarak Mund

  3. Dr Salim Ahmad

  4. Dr Ata Ur Rehman

(60) . Fill in the blank. "You should refrain _____ hurting her feelings.

  1. From

  2. To

  3. Over

  4. Of