Deputy Accountant (BS-16) in Finance Department 2019 (Evening)

(31) . Article 25 of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan deals with:

  1. Rule of Law

  2. Equality of citizens

  3. Equal protection of law

  4. Al of these

(32) . Choose the Synonym of INVEIGH:

  1. To carry

  2. Remonstrate

  3. Entice

  4. Encroach

(33) . Faraday's Law is associated with:

  1. Reaction of gases

  2. Pressure of gases

  3. Electromagnetic induction

  4. Temperature and pressure

(34) . Which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?

  1. Khyber

  2. Khandaq

  3. Uhad

  4. Badr

(35) . What is the average of 1/2, 5/6, 3/4, 5/12?

  1. 7/8

  2. 2/5

  3. 5/8

  4. 21/2

(36) . In Internet terminology what does "IP" stand for?

  1. Internet Provider

  2. Internet Protocol

  3. Internet Procedure

  4. ) Internet Processor

(37) . The Round Table Conferences (1930-32) were convened by which British Prime Minister

  1. Clement R. Attlee

  2. Ramsay MacDonald

  3. Sir Winston Churchill

  4. Nevillee Chamberlain

(38) . Which of the following country abolished monarchy in 2008?

  1. Laos

  2. Nepal

  3. Afghanistan

  4. Burundi

(39) . In Pakistan, Military Courts were established after a terrorist attack on Army Public School in Peshawar, in the year:

  1. 2012

  2. 2013

  3. 2014

  4. 2015

(40) . Broad peak is present in _____ mountain ranges

  1. Himalayan

  2. Karakoram

  3. Hindukush

  4. None of these