Assistant (Ext) AH (bs-16) 2016 Livestock Department

(71) . Where was the headquarters of the League of Nations situated?

  1. Geneva

  2. Vienna

  3. Brussels

  4. Rome

(72) . Where is the bile stored and intermittently released into the small intestine (duodenum).

  1. Kidney

  2. Liver

  3. Heart

  4. Stomach

(73) . Which English player got the title of Sir?

  1. Chris Lewis

  2. Joey Benjamin

  3. Andy Murray

  4. lan Bell

(74) . Tripoli is the capital of:

  1. Syria

  2. Libya

  3. Iraq

  4. Yemen

(75) . Motto of Red Cross is:

  1. Charity Everywhere

  2. Charity in Peace

  3. Help in War

  4. Charity in War

(76) . How many countries do not recognize Israel?

  1. 40

  2. 21

  3. 33

  4. 25

(77) . Photosynthesis in plants takes place faster in:

  1. Yellow light

  2. Red light

  3. Darkness

  4. White light

(78) . In which year were the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations?

  1. 2014

  2. 2015

  3. 2016

  4. 2010

(79) . Pearl Harbour, a US Naval base, was bombed by thus provoking formal entry of the US in the Second World War

  1. Germany

  2. Italy

  3. China

  4. Japan

(80) . The autobiography “In the Line of the Fire" was written by

  1. Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw

  2. Lt. Gen Sher Ali Khan Pataudi

  3. Lt. Gen. Shahid Hamid

  4. Gen. Pervez Musharraf