Assistant (Ext) AH (bs-16) 2016 Livestock Department

(51) . Fill in the suitable prepositions: "They live in a flat the shop."

  1. About

  2. Over

  3. At

  4. None of these

(52) . Which substance is found inside the cavity of bones?

  1. Bone Marrow

  2. Red Blood Cells

  3. White Blood Cells

  4. Plasma

(53) . In which city was the first SAARC Summit held?

  1. Colombo

  2. Kathmandu

  3. Dhaka

  4. Male

(54) . First Head of State to visit Pakistan in 1947 was:

  1. Ameer of Kuwait

  2. Shah of Iran

  3. King of Saudi Arabia

  4. Gandhi

(55) . Name the gatekeeper of Jahanum:

  1. Malik

  2. Yawar

  3. Jabal

  4. Qahir

(56) . Name the Honoured Angelic messenger:

  1. Hazrat Jibraeel (AS)

  2. Hazrat Mekaeel (AS)

  3. Hazrat Israfeel (AS)

  4. Hazrat Izraeel (AS)

(57) . The Synonym of "Deficit" is:

  1. Minimize

  2. Shortfall

  3. Useless

  4. Surplus

(58) . The Synonym of "Despair" is:

  1. Misery

  2. Crude

  3. Joy

  4. Bad

(59) . Deficiency of Iron in human died causes:

  1. Goitre

  2. Scurvy

  3. Anemia

  4. Rickets

(60) . 7589 - ________ = 3434

  1. 4242

  2. 4155

  3. 1123

  4. 11023