Assistant Director Ministry of Defense 2011 past paper

(51) . 19th Amendment to USA’s constitution essentially granted the right of voting to:

  1. Red Indians

  2. Negroes

  3. Women

  4. None of these

(52) . Fiddle Castro was the former president of:

  1. Poland

  2. Cuba

  3. Spain

  4. Slovenia

(53) . . Name the South African Activist who was awarded Noble Prize for Peace in 1993

  1. Oliver Tomb

  2. Nelson Mandela

  3. Collin Obuya

  4. None of these

(54) . Which is the largest Palestinian militant organization?

  1. Hamas

  2. Islamic Jihad

  3. PLO

  4. None of these

(55) . During the period of the Renaissance new styles of architecture first developed in:

  1. Italy

  2. France

  3. England

  4. Germany

(56) . The USA consists of

  1. 42 states

  2. 50 states

  3. 32 states

  4. Russia

(57) . . Which country suffered the maximum in World War II?

  1. France

  2. Germany

  3. Japan

  4. None of these

(58) . Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in

  1. 1920

  2. 1924

  3. 1926

  4. None of these

(59) . How many articles are there in constitution of USA?

  1. 7

  2. 17

  3. 27

  4. 12

(60) . Noor-ul-Amin was the:

  1. Former President of Pakistan

  2. Former Governor General of Pakistan

  3. Pakistan Former Vice President of Pakistan

  4. None of these